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Clothing donation scheme to help patients get moving now opens to public
25th February 2025

Staff at a hospital Trust have been on a mission to get patients moving by donating to a clothing scheme, which is now being opened to the public.

The aim of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford, is to improve patient experience by sourcing clothing for patients who may not have access to any in hospital. This is to help motivate them to get up, get dressed and get moving.

Wearing clothes such as trousers, joggers and tops during the daytime rather than pyjamas in hospital, helps patients maintain their normal routine which can help prevent deconditioning in hospital.

Hospital associated deconditioning can happen when patients are inactive and stay in bed all day. This can lead to a decline in mobility and muscle wastage with as much as 10% being lost in the first seven days of a hospital admission for those age 80 and over.

Staying as active as possible whilst patients get better from illness or injury in hospital is very important and can reduce recovery time.

Stocks are now running low, so the Trust is opening the Donate2Motivate@SaTH scheme to the general public.

Paula Gardner, Interim Chief Nursing Officer, said: “Our staff have been brilliant in rising to this challenge, but now they have emptied their wardrobes the volume of donations has reduced.

“With patients being able to get dressed and moving, it can help with their recovery. It is known that if patients are inactive and stay in bed all day this can lead to a decline in mobility and muscle strength.

“If you are popping to hospital for an appointment and can make a donation, please do – it will be greatly appreciated and will make such a difference for our patients. If you are visiting a loved one in hospital please remember to bring comfortable day clothes and other essentials to keep them occupied.”

Clare Walsgrove, Quality Matron, came up with the idea to start the staff clothing donation scheme in September last year as the majority of patients who do not have access to day clothes are often over the age of 60, may come from a nursing home, have been admitted unexpectedly, have no family or friends close by or no family or friends at all.

The team now has a clothing cupboard on Ward 9 at PRH and a half size linen trolley on Ward 28 at RSH.

Lynette Williams, Movement Matters/Reconditioning Lead at SaTH, said: “The linen trolley is fantastic and acts like a moving wardrobe which can be taken directly to the patient to enable them to select an outfit they would like to wear, just like being at home.

“One patient who was living with dementia really enjoyed using the wardrobe on wheels and when they selected a sparkly jumper and leggings commented ‘I haven’t felt like a princess for years’ and was line dancing with staff down the ward.”

Only clothing that is suitable for patients to wear in hospital can be accepted. This includes loose fitting and comfortable clothes, so they can be worn during the day. Some patients can’t tolerate tight fitting or rigid clothes like jeans whilst in hospital.

The types of clothes the team can accept include jumpers, T-shirts, trousers, jogging bottoms, longer length shorts, comfortable daytime dresses, skirts and tops.

The following can’t be accepted: Jeans; holiday wear; wool clothes; dressing gowns; shoes; underwear and coats.

Donations in all sizes are welcome, but the team is currently short of small to medium sized clothing.

Suitable clothing can be placed in purple wheelie bins located on the ground floor patient and staff seating area (close to the conservatory) at PRH and on the approach to the Mytton Oak restaurant at Shrewsbury (by the public toilets).

- Healthwatch Shropshire: 01743 237884 or email the team via

- Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin: 01952 739540 or email - Llais Wales: 01686 627632 or email

For more information contact: Lisa Bailey, Senior Communications Specialist at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, on 07784 015889 or email

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