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School Parking Issues
13th September 2024

We are working hard to tackle your parking concerns across Cleobury and Highley, in particularly outside Primary Schools. Are intentions are to educate, rather than prosecute. However, if contraventions are found, enforcement can and will be used. Inconsiderate or illegal parking can put pedestrians and other road users in danger. It can also create an obstruction for emergency vehicles. The Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) estimate that every month, 1,200 children are injured in traffic related collisions that happen within a 500m radius of a School. While some enforcement activity is carried out jointly with partners, (relevant local authority) employ parking enforcement officers to assist with these issues. But often problems can be resolved through raising awareness of the impact or consequences or other practical measures. We have been: Talking to motorists and advising them of the law Liaising with council parking enforcement officers over local concerns Issuing Penalty Charge Notices (parking fines) to persistent offenders Working with partners to find alternative off-road parking opportunities, particularly near to schools. You can find more information and guidance on parking concerns here: Parking issues and abandoned vehicles | West Mercia Police Many thanks for your help and support. It is only by the Police and the public working together that we can effectively both prevent and detect crime and keep our communities safe. Kind Regards, PCSO 40646 MILLER

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