Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995, Article 13
Publicity for Planning Applications
PROPOSED TREE WORKS: Fell 1no. Sycamore (T1) within Highley Conservation Area
LOCATION: Midcounties Co-Operative Ltd, Co Op, High Street,
Highley, Bridgnorth.
OS REFERENCE: 374113 - 283485
Attached are details of a letter/notice for tree works within a Conservation Area that has
been submitted to this authority. We have the option of making a Tree Preservation Order
(TPO) on the tree(s) within 6 weeks, if we wish to prevent the proposed work. I should be
pleased to receive your Council’s view on whether the tree(s) merit(s) a TPO, on the
grounds of public amenity value.
In accordance with the agreed Shropshire Council Development Management Charter,
representation on this application must be received 14 days from the date of this letter.
Please note the application documents may be inspected in Public Access at where you may submit your comments
electronically. This is the Council’s preferred method of communication.
Any representation in writing should be sent to Tree Service, Natural Environment Team,
Shropshire Council, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ. Any delay in the Case Officer
receiving your written representation may result in your representation not being taken into
account. If you wish you can use the return sheet to make your observations.
Should you require any further information please contact the Tree Team at the above
address, or by email: or telephone 01743 25 3333.